Pastor Mark Francey | Digging In The Valley | 11/27/22
If we go after God in the dry places, we will be a people that is able to hold and sustain the waters of revival. In “Digging In The Valley”, Pastor Mark reminds us how to dig in the valleys (do what we can do), so God can fill it (do what He can do).
Macro narrative:
1. Worship
2. Encounter
3. mission/ instruction
4. obedience/ action
5. miracles/ faith grows
Micro narrative
1. Dig on empty stomach
2. capacity of water determines by diggers not the filler
3. the more you dig the more you receive
4. without digging the blessing would have passed them by
5. God ask us to do what we can (dig) so He can do what He can Fill.
6. Kings wanted water, God wanted victory