It Is What It Isn't | Believe | 5/23/21

Do you have faith for what isn’t or do you have faith only for that is? In this message Pastor Mark Francey helps us determine the health of our faith. When we are operating in healthy faith we believe that the same miracles that happened in the pages of the Bible can happen again. The goal of darkness is to paralyze faith. When we have healthy faith that is wrong enough to carry others, we can be like the four friends of the paralyzed man in Mark 2. It was not the faith of the paralyzed man who healed him, but it was by the faith of his friends. Often we think strength is for us, but we often forget, God gave us strength to serve others.

Unhealthy (Faith)

1. Darkness

2. Dependent on the crowd

3. Numb/ lost feeling

4. Weak/ no strength

Healthy (Faith)

1. Carries others

2. Breaks through

3. Believes

4. Covers cost

Jesus offers

1. Forgiveness

2. Feeling

3. Fortification

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Change My Mind | Transformed | 5/30/21


What's It Like? | Believe | 5/16/21