Need, Want, Know | Come And See | 4/24/22
Jesus needed to go to Samaria because there were things that needed to happen to impact a region. This Sunday, Pastor Mark Francey shares on the story of the women at the well! God will meet you at your well. Wells are the place of our need. Everyone thirsts, but it’s what your do with your thirsts that determine the well you draw from. A city’s well, water, and worship determines what God can do in that land. Worship is only powerful when it’s grounded in the word of God. People don’t experience transformation because they praise with their mouths but they’re not honest with God in their spirits. The women at the well was transformed because she let God give her new water. God is going to restore the wells and waters of this nation by restoring the worship of this nation.
1. Well
2. Water
3. Worship
4. Word
5. Witness