Signs | Believe | 5/9/21
In this message, Pastor Mark Francey, first addresses why some of us are not seeing signs and miracles. When we don't see signs, it is not because God isn't powerful. Often it is because we have not done the three things we are asked to do ask believers. We are not called just to believe, but to influence. We are not suppose to follow signs, but signs are suppose to follow us. God has given us the authority to push back darkness in the areas which we live. We will see signs follow when we refuse to live our lives in the shadow of fear and start leveraging our voice when God wants us to use it.
1. Go
2. Preach
3. Believe
Good Signs
1. Cast out Darkness
2. New Language/Tongues
3. Authority over Snakes and Poison
4. Lay Hands on sick- Divine Healing