In The Day Of Your Power | Pastor Ken Wilde | 6/12/22 (Copy)
The greatest promise God ever gave was His Holy Spirit. On this Pentecost Sunday, Pastor Mark Francey shares on how to build with a promise. The early church experienced the power of God because they took Him for His word. Maturity is how many of God’s promises you live out. A promise is only as steadfast as the person making the promise God gives a promise to everyone but only some want it.
Build With Power | Build | 5/22/22
You’ll never live like Jesus without the spirit of Jesus living inside you. This Sunday, Pastor Mark Francey shares on the power of the Holy Spirit and we build with POWER. God gave everything this world has ever needed - His son that would pay for the sins of humanity’s past, present & future. The Holy Spirit is where our power comes from. He is the one who comforts, convicts, convinces, and communicates. Inside of every heart, God has placed eternity. The Holy Spirit will convince you of God’s righteousness and God’s judgement.
Build With Purpose | Build | 5/15/22
God starts building with encounters, then we start build places for those encounters. This Sunday, Pastor Mark Francey shares about how plans may change but our purpose from God is constant. Everything God creates has purpose and everyone He creates has purpose. Purpose precedes production.
Build A Place | Build | 5/8/22
While the world is falling apart, God is simultaneously building the Church. This Sunday, Pastor Mark Francey continues in the BUILD series, showing us how God wants us to build a place where we can experience His presence. It’s the storms of life that reveals the kind of foundation we’re building on. You build something healthy by starting with the foundation but a nation dies when it forgets its foundation.
Build People | Build | 5/1/22
Before God builds anything, he builds people. This Sunday Pastor Mark Francey shares about how it’s time to BUILD! Before God does something physically, he does it spiritually. God wants to build your revelation of Jesus, your identity in Jesus, your purpose with Jesus, and your authority from Jesus. God says I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven.