Built For This | Christ The Lord | 12/26/21
Have you taken a risk for God recently?
God is asking us to take great risks partnered with the Holy Spirit. This Sunday, Pastor Joel Foust sharers about how we are built to do great things for God. The reward of freedom is going to outweigh failure. When we are paralyzed by fear we can’t be risky for God. When you partner with God you can do the impossible! Are you willing to give it more? You could be the answer to someone’s prayer, you could be Gods solution.
Another Way | Christ The Lord | 12/19/21
The wise men were wise because they had expectations, we expect Him to show up. When you expect God, you’ll begin to encounter God. This Sunday Pastor Mark Francey preaches on how our greatest need 2000 years ago was saving, so God sent our Savior. God’s desire is for all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. Christmas without Christ is a holiday not a celebration. Christianity really boils down to good news, great joy and for all people. God is the only one that can ask you for everything because He’s the only one that gave you everything. Prayer, obedience, & action will be the recipe for your miracles.
More Than My Best Friend | Christ the Lord | 12/5/21
We have to have a revelation of Jesus’ Lordship. Even demons believe in Jesus, but they deny the Lordship of Jesus. This Sunday, Pastor Mark Francey shows us that anyone can believe in God but not everyone wants to make Him Lord. If you’re married to Jesus you can’t date the devil at the same time. There is a real God that severs the power of darkness. His name is Jesus. It takes great faith to surrender everything to God. When we are willing to make Jesus Lord over our lives, everything begins to change.
Who's The Boss? | Christ The Lord | 12/12/21
Miracles fall on the alters of those who surrender. This week Pastor Mark Francey shares on how the level of surrender will determine the capacity God will use you. If you want to see the power that Mary had in your life, you have to be at her level of surrender. God let the ones who raised the sacrifices to see the ultimate sacrifice first. Christmas is about heaven crashing into earth through Jesus. The miracles Jesus did is because of the Holy Spirit was in Him. Whenever you have an intimate moment with the Holy Spirit, a seed is planted and grows. Under the influence of the Holy Spirit, you start living with purpose. When you find purpose, you find favor.