Transformed Houses | Homecoming | 11/28/21
Often times God’s solution doesn’t come in the way we think. Often it comes in the box we don’t even look at. This Sunday, Pastor Mark Francey shares about how it takes a transformed home to transform families. The church will never be stronger than the families inside it. In 2 Kings 5:1-15, you see that when you do the ridiculous for God he’ll do the miraculous for you. Your feelings follow faith faster than faith follows our feelings. It’s not the quality of water that is going to heal you it’s obedience to God. It’s time to reveal so God can heal. Most people never see Gods power because they want a full explanation before they believe.
Full House | Homecoming | 11/21/21
Everything changes when we go from making Jesus our Savior to making Jesus our Lord. Pastor Mark Francey reminds us, in Acts 16 an entire household was changed when two Christians acted with Jesus as their Lord. Because Paul and Silas had let Jesus into their heart as Lord, they were able to lead the man who guarded them in their prison cell to Jesus. This moment changed the faith of an entire household. Will we be Christians that open up the Gospel to men and woman who closed the doors of bondage on us?
Prepare The House | Homecoming | 11/14/21
Throughout history, God has always leveraged famines to wake people up. This Sunday, Pastor Mark Francey gives a different perspective on the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15. It was the famine that brought home both sons, because there is no famine in the Father’s house.