Dig Up | Revival | 8/1/21

Over the last few weeks we have talked about how God wants to know His children. In this message Pastor Mark Francey shared with us how God wants us to dig up spiritual wells in California, like Isaac did in the Bible. We know California is thirsty for wells because the enemy saw the prosperity that was in this land and sought to clog it up. There is a grace here, that the things that are produced in Orange County will be the things that go around the world. We need to start digging wells again. When you stop digging wells the water gets stagnant and stinking. The problem is that we have a generation that was never taught how to dig. It is important that we dig for each generation. Let's be a church that shows our children how to dig. One of the best ways we dig, is through prayer. This week, let's going on prayer walks through our neighborhoods. Let's call in the lost, call in the broken, call in the one's who are desperately searching for the things that only come by the presence of God.

Prayer Digs Wells

1. You- 26:18 Isaac dug again

2. Crew- 26:19 Isaac’s People dug

3. Crowd- 26:20 Isaac’s community fought for water

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Beautiful Moments | It's Possible | 8/8/21


Listen Up | Revival | 7/25/21