Dig Up | Revival | 8/1/21
Over the last few weeks we have talked about how God wants to know His children. In this message Pastor Mark Francey shared with us how God wants us to dig up spiritual wells in California, like Isaac did in the Bible. We know California is thirsty for wells because the enemy saw the prosperity that was in this land and sought to clog it up. There is a grace here, that the things that are produced in Orange County will be the things that go around the world.
Listen Up | Revival | 7/25/21
This Sunday, Pastor Mark Francey taught us the power of a whisper. As we grow up we learn from our parent's voice. Some of us learned to tolerate toxic things because we never heard life and light. Listening to the right voice can change your whole perspective. The enemy's voice will make you run away but God's voice makes you return. God will show up to speak to you when you've prepared an atmosphere for Him.
I Can't Feel It | Pastor Dustin Bates | 7/11/21
We had the pleasure of having Pastor Dustin Bates visit us this weekend. During his message, we are reminded through looking at David, that our emotions are for our enrichment, not our motives. Our theology has to be more secure than our emotions, because bad days will come. We cannot let our bad days, our difficult circumstances, chip away at the goodness of God. Even when we might not feel full of faith, we have to stand on the truth of our God until the break through comes. David was real about his emotions, but he refused to stay there.
Stand Up | Revival | 7/4/2021
In week two of our Revival series Pastor Mark Francey encourages us to stay standing. Revival happens when men and women of let God raise them up and do not let the world push them back down. Sometimes God allows us to walk with Him through a storm because the world cannot see our God, they cannot see our faith, but they can see our problems.
Get Up | Revival | 6/27/21
Pastor Mark Francey begins our new series Revival this service. Revival always begins after a time of persecution or turbulence. That's when God can use His might to bend persecution and begin to awake the hearts of His people. Revival begins with the transformation work God does with in the hearts of His people. When revival begins to spread outwardly, we see it brings down the walls of division in societies. We will see God move upon the wind as we continue to open our hearts to Him and the people He has placed around us. Are you making it easy for the people around you to turn to God?