Holy Gifts | The Promise | 7/10/22

The global church mobilized and filled with the spirit of God is the hope of the world and it is our job in life is to receive the gifts that God has given us. This Sunday, Pastor Mark Francey shares about spiritual gifts, given by God. As the church is built, so is the kingdom, and we learn more about the edification of the church by using our gifts to build. In this message you will uncover the spiritual gifts that God has given to you.

Holy Gifts

Three categories of Gifts of The Spirit

1. Perceiving Gifts

a. Word of knowledge

b. Word of wisdom

c. Discerning of Spirits

2. Proclaiming Gifts

a. prophecy

b. tongues

c. interpretation of tongues

3. Power Gifts

a. Faith

b. gifts of Healings

c. working of miracles

6. Reproducing

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Holy Strength | The Promise | 7/17/22


Holy Fruit | The Promise | 7/3/22