Holy Fruit | The Promise | 7/3/22
When people really have an encounter with God, they go all in. This Sunday, Pastor Mark Francey shares about how the Spirit of God wants to come invigorate holy fruit in our lives. God’s desire is that he would change the fruit of our lives. We need the presence of God so we can live with the fruit of God. If we build our lives on the truths of God’s word, we can see the same results that the early church did. We need a heaven-rending outpouring of the Spirit of the living God. If you want to change the fruit of your life, change the root of the problem. The Holy Spirit never leads you into a lower way, He always leads you into a higher way. If you give into your low nature, you will never be fulfilled.
The flesh nature is never satisfied. We will be extravagantly compassionate, AND bold in our convictions to God’s word. You can be both. When the spirit falls on you His fruit will start filling your heart. Both the fruit of the Spirit and gifts of the spirit are equally important. You bear good fruit by being watered and healthy fruit reproduces.
1. Planting
2. Abiding
3. fertilizing
4. pruning
5. harvesting
6. Reproducing