Holy Restoration | The Promise | 6/26/22
The goal of following Jesus is to do life the way He wants us to do life. God is a God that loves and restores. This Sunday Pastor Mark Francey shares on the Holy Spirit is the one who helps to restore our lives. Sometimes the truth cuts before the cleans. God is not scared of your darkness but He will lead you into His light. The Holy Spirit restores our soul - out of our bondage and into the light. God collects the broken pieces of the world and restores it into His family and He restores humanity better then it was before. It’s what Jesus writes that removes our hypocrisy but it’s what He says that sets us free and forgives us. God’s heart is restoration - He wants to give back what the enemy has stolen from His kids. Grace without the law is humanism. Extreme grace will always lead to lawlessness. We have to be a people that value grace and truth equally. The grace of God calls us higher and empowers us. Grace says you’re not condemned but truth says now go and live differently. Extreme truth leads to the same place as extreme grace it just goes down a different path.
1. God is Judge- Pardons
2. God is Grace- Empowers
3. God Truth- Equips
4. God is Light- Builds