The Password To Paradise | Come And See | Good Friday 2022

God made it as easy as He could to give us eternal safety. This Good Friday, Pastor Mark Francey shares how in Jesus’s death and resurrection he restored our access to heaven here on earth. God so loved the world that he freely gave his son so that we can experience the freedom we don’t deserve. Jesus is the staircase between heaven and earth. The cross restored power, purpose, Passover, and paradise. The power of the cross is still alive, just like it was yesterday, today, and forever. When someone is met with the blood of Jesus, they are changed forever. When you acknowledge the crucified Christ, there is a purpose you wouldn’t discover otherwise. Jesus is still opening up cells and taking our place in prison. Your purpose is to know Jesus Christ, pick up your cross, and follow him.

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Easter Run | Come And See | Easter Sunday 2022


This Is The Day | Come And See | Palm Sunday 2022