This Is The Day | Come And See | Palm Sunday 2022

Jesus Christ rode in on a donkey not as a lamb but THE lamb that would save the world. On this special Palm Sunday, Pastor Mark Francey shared an incredible message about how import this day is because it fulfilled the prophecies of Jesus the Messiah. People underestimate the power of what can happen in ONE day. As they saw Jesus coming, many shouted, “Hosanna!” meaning Lord save, Lord deliver, NOW! This is the hour to declare how great Jesus is. God is worthy to have an encounter with because He is trustworthy and all powerful. Faith doesn’t live in the past or present, faith lives in the now. We encounter God when we’re willing to hear God, trust him, and give him our best. The fastest way to emptiness is to give your best to something other than God. Palm Sunday is not just another Sunday, but the day Jesus fulfilled what was prophesied about Him generations ago.

This Is The Day

1. Hear His Voice

2. Give Him Your best

3. Lift Him Up

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