Pastor Mark Francey | Glorious Disturbances | 2/19/23
We are beginning to experience the first fruits of a move of God—revival is here! In our series, Ending Droughts, Pastor Mark talks about a Glorious Disturbance in John 4, where one woman’s testimony changed the eternal trajectory of the people in her town, in her country, and the nations for the rest of history. God desires that His people are willing to be disrupted for the Kingdom—and from that place, a Holy Spirit outpouring can occur like never before.
Pastor Mark Francey | God's Stars | 2/12/23
Like Esther and Mordecai, we are called to be people entrusted to steward God’s power for the Kingdom. In “God’s Star”, Pastor Mark reminds us that God gives His power to people who are focused on using it for others.
Pastor Mark Francey | That Was Fast | 1/29/23
God wants you to be ready to catch what He wants to do in your life. In Pastor Mark’s message “That was fast”, he reminds us that even though we’ve faced resistance or attacks in our life, God can suddenly turn a drought into a reservoir at any moment.
John Bevere | A Knock Off Jesus | Oceans Conference 2023
Are you believing in a knock-off Jesus? John Bevere teaches on the importance of repentance, changing the way we think, and turning away from our sins. Jesus isn’t coming back for a bride whose attention is split between multiple vectors but rather for a bride who commits only to Him.
Pastor Benny Perez | Looking | Oceans Conference 2023
The question isn’t what God has done—the question is what is God doing right now and what do you want Him to do? In “Looking”, Pastor Benny Perez challenges us to dream bigger and perceive the new thing God is doing—are you dreaming big enough where it will take generations to fulfill it?
Dr. Mike Maiden | Extravagant Dreams, Prayers, & Faith | Oceans Conference 2023
God has big plans for His people—but what if he’s just waiting for someone willing to partner with Him to activate them? In “Extravagant Dreams, Prayers & Faith,” Dr Mike Maiden gives a faith-charging message about dreaming big with God.
Pastor Mark Francey | Too Hungry Not To Fast | 1/15/23
Why does God want us to pray? In “Give God Your Attention”, Pastor Mark reminds us that God is interested in our prayers because He’s interested in us—and when we pray, it not only changes things, it changes us.
Pastor Mark Francey | Give God Your Attention | 1/8/23
Why does God want us to pray? In “Give God Your Attention”, Pastor Mark reminds us that God is interested in our prayers because He’s interested in us—and when we pray, it not only changes things, it changes us.
Pastor Joel Foust | Time To Step Out | 1/1/23
The start of a new year brings an opportunity to sharpen our perspective and step into new callings and promises. In “Time to Step Out,” Pastor Joel Foust shares four key directives to make 2023 a year of following God’s call with boldness and courage.
Pastor Mark Francey | Make The Trip | 12/18/22
Bethlehem,” Pastor Mark Francey reminds us that what we do with what we hear about God, will determine what we see from God.
Pastor Mark Francey | Willing & Able | 12/11/22
The ministry of Jesus showcased the power of God through signs, wonders, and miracles. Continuing the “Miracle Season” series, Pastor Mark Francey teaches that the key to seeing that same power today is in believing that God is “Willing and Able.”
Pastor Mark Francey | Thousands Filled | 12/4/22
Little is much when God’s in it. In “Thousands Filled”, Pastor Mark teaches on John 6:1-14 where Jesus fed thousands—reminding us that when we give God what we have, He is the one who multiplies it to more than we can imagine.
Pastor Mark Francey | Digging In The Valley | 11/27/22
If we go after God in the dry places, we will be a people that is able to hold and sustain the waters of revival. In “Digging In The Valley”, Pastor Mark reminds us how to dig in the valleys (do what we can do), so God can fill it (do what He can do).
Dominic Russo | 100X Heart | 11/20/22
Your heart status will always be God’s number one priority. In “100x Hearts”, Guest Speaker Dominic Russo teaches about what it means to steward the condition of our hearts—and that when God fully gets ahold of our hearts, anything is possible.
Pastor Mark Francey | Healing the Ground | 11/6/22
Revival happens when God’s healing brings life to what was once dead, and awakens what was once sleeping. In “Healing the Land,” Pastor Mark challenges us to lean into the healing of God by aligning our lives with the truths of God.
Pastor Mark Francey | Better Than You Think | 10/30/22
God doesn’t cause the crisis, but He does use it for His glory. In “Taking Ground”, Pastor Mark gives both a message and prophetic declaration that God is using problematic seasons to showcase the wisdom, power, and dominion of the Kingdom of God.
Pastor Dustin Bates | Notifications On | 10/23/22
It’s not a question of “Is God moving?”, it’s a question of “Can you perceive what He’s doing right now?”. In this message, Pastor Dustin Bates reminds us that we are in a pivotal moment in History where God wants to speak to us—but that requires turning notifications off for the wrong voices, and turning notifications on to hearing His voice above all else.
Pastor Krist Wilde | People That Bless The World | 10/16/22
How can the Church be a people who blesses the world? In this powerful message on the Father’s blessing, Pastor Krist Wilde reminds us of how God satisfies our greatest longing to be seen, known, and acknowledged—and when we do the same for other people, it changes any environment into a blessed environment
Pastor Mark Francey | Wasted Worship | 10/9/22
God reveals himself in extravagant ways to those who extravagantly worship Him. In this powerful message, Pastor Mark reminds us of what it means to be an extravagant worshiper—and when we give God our best, He shows up with His best.
Pastor Mark Francey | With All | 10/2/22
Why do we celebrate God with worship? In “With All,” Pastor Mark reminds us that when we truly know God, we begin to worship him for all that He is– and as we worship, we encounter His Glory that changes everything.