Ending Droughts Launch Happy Ending Droughts Launch Happy

Pastor Mark Francey | Glorious Disturbances | 2/19/23

We are beginning to experience the first fruits of a move of God—revival is here! In our series, Ending Droughts, Pastor Mark talks about a Glorious Disturbance in John 4, where one woman’s testimony changed the eternal trajectory of the people in her town, in her country, and the nations for the rest of history. God desires that His people are willing to be disrupted for the Kingdom—and from that place, a Holy Spirit outpouring can occur like never before.

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Special Guests Launch Happy Special Guests Launch Happy

Pastor Dustin Bates | Notifications On | 10/23/22

It’s not a question of “Is God moving?”, it’s a question of “Can you perceive what He’s doing right now?”. In this message, Pastor Dustin Bates reminds us that we are in a pivotal moment in History where God wants to speak to us—but that requires turning notifications off for the wrong voices, and turning notifications on to hearing His voice above all else.

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