Pastor Mark Francey | Big Solutions | 9/25/22
God is truly encountered when He is exclusively worshipped. In “Big Solutions”, Pastor Mark reminds us that the biggest problems of humanity begin to be solved when you put the eternal power of worship into the current context.
Pastor Mark Francey | Made For This | 9/11/22
True transformation occurs when we have a revelation of Jesus’ Lordship. In “I Belong Here,” Pastor Mark reminds us that when we live in friendship with God, we have the authority to bring peace in storms and break the chains of darkness.
Alive Again | Return | 9/4/22
The fastest way to emptiness is to live a life saying “God, give me”, instead of “God, make me”. In this message, Pastor Mark reminds us that living a life fully surrendered to God is how we truly come alive again.
Back To You | Return | 8/28/29
Pastor Mark introduces a new series called “Return” talking about what happens when we turn back to God. We have hope as a nation and if He can awaken the Josiah's look out California. What was so special about Josiah was that he turned to the Lord with all of his heart, soul and might. You watch what happens when the Lord’s people turn back to Him.
Counting Stars | As Far As You Can See | 8/21/22
Christianity isn’t about pledging your promises to God, it’s about believing God’s promises to you. In “Counting Stars”, Pastor Mark reminds us that when we fully surrender our lives to God, His promises of protection, provision, and His presence will exceed anything we can ask or imagine.
Pastor Tracy Wilde-Pace | Collective Faith | 8/14/22
God never intended for us to live out our faith on our own—but when our collective faith comes together, we get to see the miraculous happen. Tracy Wilde-Pace delivers a powerful word reminding us that when we join our faith in community, God’s glory, power, and dominion is showcased for the world to see.
A Picture Of Tomorrow | As Far As You Can See | 8/7/22
There is a purpose on the earth that God made you the solution to. In “A Picture of Tomorrow,” Pastor Mark walks through what it looks like to encounter a God-given vision that empowers you to fulfill your purpose.
Pastor Banning Liebscher | 7/31/22
Healthy families create environments where people can grow. Banning Liebscher shares a powerful message on the importance of viewing the Church as a family that looks out for your growth—and how this shift in the Church will bring about the harvest.
As Far As You Can See | 7/24/22
What we see with God is what will become the reality of our lives. God is always speaking and wanting to impart vision, but how do we hear and see that vision? In this message, Pastor Mark reminds us how to have eyes to see the vision that God wants to show us.
Holy Strength | The Promise | 7/17/22
God’s response to a broken world is raising up Godly men and Godly women by His strength. In this message, Pastor Mark reminds us that our greatest strength is obedience to God’s voice—and it’s His strength that turns even the worst things in our lives into our greatest victory.
Holy Gifts | The Promise | 7/10/22
The global church mobilized and filled with the spirit of God is the hope of the world and it is our job in life is to receive the gifts that God has given us. This Sunday, Pastor Mark Francey shares about spiritual gifts, given by God. As the church is built, so is the kingdom, and we learn more about the edification of the church by using our gifts to build. In this message you will uncover the spiritual gifts that God has given to you.
Holy Fruit | The Promise | 7/3/22
When people really have an encounter with God, they go all in. This Sunday, Pastor Mark Francey shares about how the Spirit of God wants to come invigorate holy fruit in our lives. God’s desire is that he would change the fruit of our lives. We need the presence of God so we can live with the fruit of God. If we build our lives on the truths of God’s word, we can see the same results that the early church did. We need a heaven-rending outpouring of the Spirit of the living God. If you want to change the fruit of your life, change the root of the problem.
6. Reproducing
Holy Restoration | The Promise | 6/26/22
The goal of following Jesus is to do life the way He wants us to do life. God is a God that loves and restores. This Sunday Pastor Mark Francey shares on the Holy Spirit is the one who helps to restore our lives. Sometimes the truth cuts before the cleans. God is not scared of your darkness but He will lead you into His light. The Holy Spirit restores our soul - out of our bondage and into the light. God collects the broken pieces of the world and restores it into His family and He restores humanity better then it was before.
The Holy Who | The Promise | 6/19/22
If you knew everything there was to know about God, how would you live your life? This Sunday, Pastor Mark Francey shares on the importance of the Holy Spirit. God’s manifest presence is different than His omnipresence. The Holy Spirit is the part of God that lives in you and dwells in you. You never want to miss out on friendship and unity with the spirit of God. If you never know the Holy Spirit as a person, you will never know Him personally.
In The Day Of Your Power | Pastor Ken Wilde | 6/12/22 (Copy)
The greatest promise God ever gave was His Holy Spirit. On this Pentecost Sunday, Pastor Mark Francey shares on how to build with a promise. The early church experienced the power of God because they took Him for His word. Maturity is how many of God’s promises you live out. A promise is only as steadfast as the person making the promise God gives a promise to everyone but only some want it.
In The Day Of Your Power | Pastor Ken Wilde | 6/12/22
True revivals have always been marked by powerful and widespread outpourings of the Holy Spirit. This Sunday we had the special honor of hearing a message from Pastor Ken Wilde. The promise of revival will be preceded by the former and latter rain. We must expect the latter rain of promise and we should see a mighty season of outpouring. Our personal thirst is satisfied by the water of the spirit which results in the overflow of blessing. Revival is a season if refreshing before the coming of Christ..