Faith Forward | Pastor Benny Perez | First Conference 2022
Faith is not a feeling or an emotion and it is not a blind belief, it is something imparted. Faith is not ignorant, it is informed. For the second night of our First Conference, we had the special honor of hearing from Pastor Benny Perez. Sometimes what God says contradicts what we see but that is where faith comes in. Jesus is the source of our faith and the more your faith increases the more you start to look like Jesus. Faith lets me see two realms - the natural realm and the supernatural realm.
Hungry For More | First | 1/16/22
What you hunger the most is what you worship the most. This Sunday, Pastor Mark Frances shares with us the significance and value of fasting. Fasting is giving something up that you love for something that you love even more. Prayer and fasting gives you more sensitivity to God and gives you authority over your flesh to say no. Revival always comes on the heels of fasting people. Jesus didn’t say you should fast but WHEN you fast.
Finisher | Pastor Chris Estrada | 1/9/22
The world is impressed by what you start but it is transformed by what you finish. We love starting because it’s exciting, and we love finishing because it’s rewarding, but the middle is where we get too comfortable. This Sunday, we had the opportunity to hear Pastor Chris Estrada share about being a FINISHER! We need a generation who doesn’t just start things but finishes them. God wants you to start strong and finish even stronger. Partial obedience is still disobedience. Be obedient to what God has called you to finish in this season and do it with excellence. God has some unfinished business He wants to do in and through you.
Bring Him Home | First | 1/2/22
Spiritual maturity is the gap where you realize that God is not present in your life anymore. How long does it take for you to realize that God’s not where He’s supposed to be in your life? As we bring in the new year, this Sunday, Pastor Mark Frances share about how we live in a world that needs a church who has brought God home with them. When we bring Jesus home with us, our prize is His presence. It’s not what’s in Gods hand that’s the prize but the person of God that’s the prize. Everyone who did something great in life knew there “must” for God. What must you do to fully surrender to the will of God?
Built For This | Christ The Lord | 12/26/21
Have you taken a risk for God recently?
God is asking us to take great risks partnered with the Holy Spirit. This Sunday, Pastor Joel Foust sharers about how we are built to do great things for God. The reward of freedom is going to outweigh failure. When we are paralyzed by fear we can’t be risky for God. When you partner with God you can do the impossible! Are you willing to give it more? You could be the answer to someone’s prayer, you could be Gods solution.
Another Way | Christ The Lord | 12/19/21
The wise men were wise because they had expectations, we expect Him to show up. When you expect God, you’ll begin to encounter God. This Sunday Pastor Mark Francey preaches on how our greatest need 2000 years ago was saving, so God sent our Savior. God’s desire is for all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. Christmas without Christ is a holiday not a celebration. Christianity really boils down to good news, great joy and for all people. God is the only one that can ask you for everything because He’s the only one that gave you everything. Prayer, obedience, & action will be the recipe for your miracles.
More Than My Best Friend | Christ the Lord | 12/5/21
We have to have a revelation of Jesus’ Lordship. Even demons believe in Jesus, but they deny the Lordship of Jesus. This Sunday, Pastor Mark Francey shows us that anyone can believe in God but not everyone wants to make Him Lord. If you’re married to Jesus you can’t date the devil at the same time. There is a real God that severs the power of darkness. His name is Jesus. It takes great faith to surrender everything to God. When we are willing to make Jesus Lord over our lives, everything begins to change.
Who's The Boss? | Christ The Lord | 12/12/21
Miracles fall on the alters of those who surrender. This week Pastor Mark Francey shares on how the level of surrender will determine the capacity God will use you. If you want to see the power that Mary had in your life, you have to be at her level of surrender. God let the ones who raised the sacrifices to see the ultimate sacrifice first. Christmas is about heaven crashing into earth through Jesus. The miracles Jesus did is because of the Holy Spirit was in Him. Whenever you have an intimate moment with the Holy Spirit, a seed is planted and grows. Under the influence of the Holy Spirit, you start living with purpose. When you find purpose, you find favor.
Transformed Houses | Homecoming | 11/28/21
Often times God’s solution doesn’t come in the way we think. Often it comes in the box we don’t even look at. This Sunday, Pastor Mark Francey shares about how it takes a transformed home to transform families. The church will never be stronger than the families inside it. In 2 Kings 5:1-15, you see that when you do the ridiculous for God he’ll do the miraculous for you. Your feelings follow faith faster than faith follows our feelings. It’s not the quality of water that is going to heal you it’s obedience to God. It’s time to reveal so God can heal. Most people never see Gods power because they want a full explanation before they believe.
Full House | Homecoming | 11/21/21
Everything changes when we go from making Jesus our Savior to making Jesus our Lord. Pastor Mark Francey reminds us, in Acts 16 an entire household was changed when two Christians acted with Jesus as their Lord. Because Paul and Silas had let Jesus into their heart as Lord, they were able to lead the man who guarded them in their prison cell to Jesus. This moment changed the faith of an entire household. Will we be Christians that open up the Gospel to men and woman who closed the doors of bondage on us?
Prepare The House | Homecoming | 11/14/21
Throughout history, God has always leveraged famines to wake people up. This Sunday, Pastor Mark Francey gives a different perspective on the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15. It was the famine that brought home both sons, because there is no famine in the Father’s house.
This Changes Everything | Dominic Russo | 11/7/21
This isn’t a time to read history this is a time to write history. Behind big battles are always big rewards. This week we had the privilege of hearing Pastor Dominic Russo share with us about how the battles you face are permitted by God to position you for your purpose. When you willingly give up your authority the reward will be given to someone else willing to fight. The battle before you is going to mature you, it’s going to reveal you, and it’s going to elevate you. Growth and comfort never coexist so how will you confront your battles?
Right Mind | Free | 10/31/21
God has not called us to have a spirit of fear but of a sound mind. In this message, Pastor Mark Francey shares on getting free from bondage and how God can give you a right mind. We have to be a people who aren’t afraid to share with others what Jesus has freed us from. The power is not in what we do for God, but what God has done for us! Your freedom might start with you but it doesn’t end with you because the liberty Jesus gives us is always for others. When you are free in Jesus, men can’t do anything to you. Don’t stop taking territory.
Free Houses | Free | 10/24/21
If you don’t have the desires of God, you won’t have the right desires. It’s time to start crucifying the flesh and feeding the spirit. As we continue in our free series, Pastor Mark Francey addresses how to stop compromising with darkness and how to live a life full of freedom. We are reminded that all freedom is connected to intimacy with God and was meant to glorify Him. Darkness can’t stay in your house once you know who owns your house.
Lift Up Your Eyes And See | Dr. Michael Maiden | 10/17/21
We are honored to have Dr. Micheal Maiden share this message of hope with us. He shares how Jesus healed his heart, and how Jesus can heal your's too! No matter what the devil does there will always be more grace than sin. There will be more joy than sorrow.
Hidden Keys | Free | 10/10/21
During our new series, free, Pastor Mark Francey breaks off the lie that says if you believe in God you can never trip. The true is, believers can find theirselves in bondage. However, we also have the deliverer that shows us the way out of it. We do not have to harbor the enemies of God in our lives!
Word Seeds | Pastor Ken Wilde | 10/3/21
We had the pleasure of listening to Pastor Ken talk about the power of our words in this message. As you speak, you are planting seeds. Everything you see in life is the product of a seed. As God’s children, we are given the same authority He has to speak with power. When we decree something through our prayers we are actually creating an atmosphere that activates God’s angels to move. We need to shake off the language we have adopted of slaves and start decreeing in the language of a king. We need to start decreeing God’s Word.
Family With Benefits | Disciples | 9/26/21
When you don't realize the Father is good, you will come to God with shame. As Pastor Mark Francey illustrates, the most valuable thing a parent can give is their presence. That is exactly what God wants to do with us. Mercy is the connection point between us and God. We have to remember that God loves us and wants to have relationship with us. He is not a God that wants you to feel ashamed for the things His son went to the cross to free you from. When we stop approaching the fear in our lives and start approaching God, the fear of our problems leaves. When we meet with God our troubles are exchanged for His family benefits.
Pillars | Disciples | 9/19/21
For our 3rd anniversary, Pastor Mark Francey encourages us to let God make us into pillars for His kingdom. Pillars are important because when everything else collapses the pillars are still standing. We are going to be a church that overcomes. The picture we have of Jesus will determine the church we build. We are going to be a church that believes there is no limit to what God can do.
Difference Makers | Disciples | 9/12/21
How do we make a difference? Pastor Mark Francey gives us some ways in which we can become difference makers. You can't fix a broken world living by a temporary kingdom. In order to make a difference, we have to be connected to God and what He is speaking in our lives. After that, we have to allow God to actually direct our lives. This means surrendering to Him and living for Him. The level at which you surrender to God determines the level to which you are used by God.