Full Grown Faith | Disciples | 9/5/21
In this message, Pastor Mark Francey answers the question, "What do Christians look like when they are fully grown?" Having a fully grown faith means that we not only keep the world from changing us, but we go out and change the world. The mature Christians go into all of the nations, instead of only staying in the church. Fully grown Christians spend time with God. They make decisions based on the words He has spoken to them. When you're fully grown, your motive is to be come like God to give Him the glory, not to glorify yourself. Our "homework" this week is to spend five minutes with God before we do anything else each day.
Precision Providence | It's Possible | 8/29/21
As the early church used the winds of adversity to rise, so again in our days we will rise and God will do a work that the world would not believe even if it were told to it. Pastor Mark Francey proclaims that God is still the hope of the world and the only one that truly satisfies the nations! God has and still will create a shift that precisely orchestrates situations towards His goodness. God is raising up Davids in this world to replace the Sauls. He is using those who hear His word to build up into leaders to go influence the world.
Cycles Of Victory | It's Possible | 8/22/21
Pastor Mark Francey tells us how to live in a cycle of victory in this message! Cycles are different than seasons because your actions can actually chance cycles. The cycle that you are currently in is being determined by your attitude towards God. Are you believing that God will do for you what He has done for others? Worry is a conversation with yourself about what you can't control. Prayer is a conversation with God about the things He can control. When it looks like everything is out of control for us, there is a God who is in authority.
Lucky Miracle | It's Possible | 8/15/21
Continuing in the It's Possible series Pastor Mark discusses attitude. Attitude can be the little difference that makes a big difference. An attitude is simply an orientation or atmosphere of the mind. Having the right attitude ushers you into a place where something unfortunate can happen but you can say God is still good. We need to have the attitude that is not quick to give up. We need to have an attitude like Paul's in Acts 20 that says I haven't given up yet, there is still life here! You attitude can block you from seeing the miracles that our God can still do.
Beautiful Moments | It's Possible | 8/8/21
In this message, Pastor Mark Francey leads us into a new series titled, It's Possible! Have you ever had a prayer that didn't come to pass? When did you stop believing it was possible for it to come true? We are called to be a people who pray until something happens. We do not have to live with the idea that we are going to be broken the rest of our lives. We can be people who know God's part of prayer is the outcome, but ours is the belief.
4. Persistence
Dig Up | Revival | 8/1/21
Over the last few weeks we have talked about how God wants to know His children. In this message Pastor Mark Francey shared with us how God wants us to dig up spiritual wells in California, like Isaac did in the Bible. We know California is thirsty for wells because the enemy saw the prosperity that was in this land and sought to clog it up. There is a grace here, that the things that are produced in Orange County will be the things that go around the world.
Listen Up | Revival | 7/25/21
This Sunday, Pastor Mark Francey taught us the power of a whisper. As we grow up we learn from our parent's voice. Some of us learned to tolerate toxic things because we never heard life and light. Listening to the right voice can change your whole perspective. The enemy's voice will make you run away but God's voice makes you return. God will show up to speak to you when you've prepared an atmosphere for Him.
I Can't Feel It | Pastor Dustin Bates | 7/11/21
We had the pleasure of having Pastor Dustin Bates visit us this weekend. During his message, we are reminded through looking at David, that our emotions are for our enrichment, not our motives. Our theology has to be more secure than our emotions, because bad days will come. We cannot let our bad days, our difficult circumstances, chip away at the goodness of God. Even when we might not feel full of faith, we have to stand on the truth of our God until the break through comes. David was real about his emotions, but he refused to stay there.
Stand Up | Revival | 7/4/2021
In week two of our Revival series Pastor Mark Francey encourages us to stay standing. Revival happens when men and women of let God raise them up and do not let the world push them back down. Sometimes God allows us to walk with Him through a storm because the world cannot see our God, they cannot see our faith, but they can see our problems.
Get Up | Revival | 6/27/21
Pastor Mark Francey begins our new series Revival this service. Revival always begins after a time of persecution or turbulence. That's when God can use His might to bend persecution and begin to awake the hearts of His people. Revival begins with the transformation work God does with in the hearts of His people. When revival begins to spread outwardly, we see it brings down the walls of division in societies. We will see God move upon the wind as we continue to open our hearts to Him and the people He has placed around us. Are you making it easy for the people around you to turn to God?
My Father's Business | Transformed | 6/20/21
What is your must? In the bible, we see that Jesus' "must" was to be in his Father's house. Pastor Mark Francey asks us in this message, where do we linger? What business do we spend our time on? We are are called not to live in our business, but to succeed in His.
Transformers | Transformed | 6/13/21
Continuing in our series Transformed, we challenge ourselves with the question "What are you letting transform you?" Pastor Mark Francey lays down the simple truth of transformation: whatever you let put its hands on your life will determine how it is transformed. As God has been transforming us into new beings in Christ, He is also calling us to be the people who transform the world around us. He is raising us up to transform the world until it looks like Heaven on Earth.
Think About It | Transformed | 6/6/21
In week two of our series Transformed, Pastor Mark Francey calls us higher, reminding us that we have to do a better job of thinking about what we are thinking about. The enemy will try to attack us with ideas. If we listen to thoughts of fear, anxiety, and insecurity, that is where we will live. But God wants to renew our minds and gives us authority over our thoughts.
Change My Mind | Transformed | 5/30/21
In this Sunday service from Pastor Mark Francey we heard such an impactful message of transformation. The will of God is proven by a transformed mind. Are you letting God transform your mind and change your perspectives? Unhealthy conclusions about our world work to undermine God's commission.
It Is What It Isn't | Believe | 5/23/21
Do you have faith for what isn’t or do you have faith only for that is? In this message Pastor Mark Francey helps us determine the health of our faith. When we are operating in healthy faith we believe that the same miracles that happened in the pages of the Bible can happen again.
What's It Like? | Believe | 5/16/21
Sunday was a historic day, as Pastor Mark Francey shared our vision for Oceans Church's future. While looking forward to what is ahead, Pastor Mark Francey takes us back to the first church of the bible to remind us of what the church is and what it should be.
Signs | Believe | 5/9/21
In this message, Pastor Mark Francey, first addresses why some of us are not seeing signs and miracles. When we don't see signs, it is not because God isn't powerful. Often it is because we have not done the three things we are asked to do ask believers. We are not called just to believe, but to influence. We are not suppose to follow signs, but signs are suppose to follow us. God has given us the authority to push back darkness in the areas which we live. We will see signs follow when we refuse to live our lives in the shadow of fear and start leveraging our voice when God wants us to use it.
God's Next Move | Pastor Dominic Russo | 5/2/21
We have been watching God move in amazing aways week after week and He is not done! We had the honor of Pastor Dominic Russo speaking to us this Sunday, encouraging us for the next step God is placing in our lives.
Laugh Out Loud | Believe | 4/25/21
This Sunday, Pastor Mark Francey, taught us faith does not respect time tables. We have to have faith in the things that we cannot see right but, are to come. Many times we either don't have the patience for our promises or we think what we are believing for it too far out there for God to reach. God wants to expand our definition of what He can do this season. It is important that we recognize when we are standing in the way for God to move within the promises He has given to us. We have to stop cursing the things we are asking too be blessed. We have to stop calling ourselves by who we were instead of who we are becoming. Let's stay faithful to His promises this month and watch how good God is the do exceedingly and abundantly more.