Little By Little | Pastor Dustin Bates | 5/29/22
People get angry at God when they don’t understand the process of God. This Sunday we had the honor of hearing a special message from Pastor Dustin Bates on the process of possessing your promise from God. Trust that God will never give you a “will not” without a “why not”. He knows what you need developed in your own life. God needs to take you through these seasons so that you are strong enough and ready to get to where He’s taking you. The process is what strengthens you.
Build With Power | Build | 5/22/22
You’ll never live like Jesus without the spirit of Jesus living inside you. This Sunday, Pastor Mark Francey shares on the power of the Holy Spirit and we build with POWER. God gave everything this world has ever needed - His son that would pay for the sins of humanity’s past, present & future. The Holy Spirit is where our power comes from. He is the one who comforts, convicts, convinces, and communicates. Inside of every heart, God has placed eternity. The Holy Spirit will convince you of God’s righteousness and God’s judgement.
Build With Purpose | Build | 5/15/22
God starts building with encounters, then we start build places for those encounters. This Sunday, Pastor Mark Francey shares about how plans may change but our purpose from God is constant. Everything God creates has purpose and everyone He creates has purpose. Purpose precedes production.
Build A Place | Build | 5/8/22
While the world is falling apart, God is simultaneously building the Church. This Sunday, Pastor Mark Francey continues in the BUILD series, showing us how God wants us to build a place where we can experience His presence. It’s the storms of life that reveals the kind of foundation we’re building on. You build something healthy by starting with the foundation but a nation dies when it forgets its foundation.
Build People | Build | 5/1/22
Before God builds anything, he builds people. This Sunday Pastor Mark Francey shares about how it’s time to BUILD! Before God does something physically, he does it spiritually. God wants to build your revelation of Jesus, your identity in Jesus, your purpose with Jesus, and your authority from Jesus. God says I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven.
Need, Want, Know | Come And See | 4/24/22
Jesus needed to go to Samaria because there were things that needed to happen to impact a region. This Sunday, Pastor Mark Francey shares on the story of the women at the well! God will meet you at your well. Wells are the place of our need. Everyone thirsts, but it’s what your do with your thirsts that determine the well you draw from. A city’s well, water, and worship determines what God can do in that land.
Easter Run | Come And See | Easter Sunday 2022
If Jesus did not get out of the grave, none of us would know his name. This special Easter Sunday, Pastor Mark Francey shares on the power of the Resurrection. There’s nothing to fear because death has been defeated. The resurrection reminds us that the greatest thing you can do with your life is to seek Jesus. Jesus didn’t just die for sin, He died as sin. Jesus didn’t just die for you He died as you.
The Password To Paradise | Come And See | Good Friday 2022
God made it as easy as He could to give us eternal safety. This Good Friday, Pastor Mark Francey shares how in Jesus’s death and resurrection he restored our access to heaven here on earth. God so loved the world that he freely gave his son so that we can experience the freedom we don’t deserve. Jesus is the staircase between heaven and earth. The cross restored power, purpose, Passover, and paradise.
This Is The Day | Come And See | Palm Sunday 2022
Jesus Christ rode in on a donkey not as a lamb but THE lamb that would save the world. On this special Palm Sunday, Pastor Mark Francey shared an incredible message about how import this day is because it fulfilled the prophecies of Jesus the Messiah. People underestimate the power of what can happen in ONE day. As they saw Jesus coming, many shouted, “Hosanna!” meaning Lord save, Lord deliver, NOW!
Stand Out | The Impossible | 4/3/22
You can stand out and still be entrusted with influence. This Sunday, Pastor Mark Francey shares that whenever you live your life for your own name you will live in confusion. God wants to re-establish our identity because when we know who we are, we know who we stand for. If you can change someone’s name you can change someone’s identity. Truth without love is mean—but love without truth is meaningless. Our job is to love people when they are at their lowest. Love covers, it doesn’t expose. We only stand when we value what God wrote in his word. The people who are willing to stand are the ones who are willing to pray. Where there’s a praying people there is a powerful moving God.
Stretch Out | The Impossible | 3/27/22
God stretches us to increase our flexibility. This Sunday, Pastor Mark Francey shares the importance of standing up, stepping up, and stretching out. God stretches us to inherit nations and inhabit desolate cities. You have the choice, do I play it safe, and give God my good hand; or do I get honest, and stretch out my bad hand. The miracle happened because God invited him into a promise. Obedience to Gods word allows miracles to happen. Miracles require an intentional mindset that says God, I am willing stand up, step up, and stretch out. As we stretch our hand toward God, He does the impossible.
Walk It Out | Pastor Dustin Bates | 3/20/22
Walk it off says “I’m just trying to get by”. Walk it out says “I’m believing God will fulfill His promises to me”. This Sunday we had the incredible opportunity to hear from Pastor Dustin Bates about how our journey of faith is not limping it out, it’s walking it out. It’s not begging God to do something, it’s about getting into God’s presence and hearing what He says - because what He says, He can do.
Simon Says | The Impossible | 3/13/22
God reserves his greatest levels of glory for our lowest moments in life. This Sunday, Pastor Mark Francey shares that if you will let Jesus preach from your boat, then He will take you into the deep end. If we will obey His word and remember the goodness of our Savior, God will fill our nets.
Glorious Bride | The Impossible | 3/6/22
God is looking for a bride, a church, that is more beautiful in the inside than she is on the outside. This Sunday, Pastor Mark Francey reminds us of how God is coming back for a glorious bride.
Impossible Request | The Impossible | 2/27/22
We will miss out on the blessing of God through prayer if we don’t know what we want. This Sunday, Pastor Mark Francey shares that God will do the impossible if we realize that the impossible is feasible only through and by Him. We serve a God that specializes in partnering with humanity to do things we could never do on our own. ?
Leap Year | Turn The World | 2/20/22
There are some things we are sitting in that God wants us to leap out of. This Sunday, Pastor Mark Francey shares that if we are preaching Jesus in a way that doesn’t get people’s hopes up, we are not preaching Jesus. We serve a God that wants us to get our hopes up that he can do anything! God CAN and God WILL! God is not pleased with Christians who believe for nothing. Faith comes by hearing. If you’re not listening, your faith isn’t growing When faith comes inside of you, hope begins to rise. Every one of us is given a measure of faith to believe that Jesus is who he says he is. What would your world look like if Jesus was the Lord over it? We must unapologetically declare that Jesus is Lord.
The Big Deal | Turn The World | 2/13/22
The Jesus you preach is the Jesus you receive. Christianity without the power of God is not the full deal. Pastor Mark Francey shares on the power of the miracle working God and how miracles complete the message of Jesus. We cannot live our life to the fullest with second hand Christianity. God wants to fill YOU, He wants to move through YOU, He wants to speak through YOU. Life with miracles is a life where you open to the Holy Spirit’s guidance. God will not ask of you to do anything that isn’t for your benefit in the long run. The more people we pray for, the more people we are going to see healed.
Show And Tell | Turn The World | 2/6/22
The Kingdom of heaven was not preached as the idea of going to heaven, but that Jesus brought heaven to earth. This Sunday, Pastor Mark Francey shares with us about how it takes a people who love the Spirit to build the Kingdom of God. Cities that have joy operate in showing and telling. We have to stop being a people who only tell and never show. Wherever there is bold preaching and sharing there will be joy! The more spiritually mature we become, the more surrender is required.
Turn The World Upside Down | Turn The World | 1/30/22
If you don’t know the Spirit of God you will always have to transfer your own water, but we want to be a church that has their own well. This Sunday, Pastor Mark Francey shared with us about the power of the Holy Spirit and why we want to be baptized in the Spirit to receive out prayer language. There will be moments in your life when you don’t know what to pray, but God does.
Truth and Identity | Lisa Bevere | First Conference 2022
You only know your past, but God knows your destiny. This Sunday, we got to hear a very special message from Lisa Bevere! The greatest platform you will ever stand on is your life and how you live it. God loves when we face what we fear. Because when we face what we fear, we become fearless. You can have a story, but the truth does not change. Truth is not a ‘what’, it is a ‘who’. You don’t discover who you are in the presence of people, you discover who you are in the presence of God. Courage is not a function of my personality or my past. Courage is a function of a gift from God. The reason this generation doesn’t understand their calling is because they are called to do something that’s never been done.